At Oasis Pools and Spas, we take pride in the quality and value of the products we stock so that you can shop with confidence. However, should you be dissatisfied with your purchase, please forward your order confirmation to us at (providing any relevant information) at the earliest convenience so we can provide further instructions or assistance.
For unwanted items, you may cancel your purchase within 14 days of the original order date by informing us in writing of your intention to cancel. You will then have a further 14 days to return the item to us. Provided the item is still in its original condition (and packaging, if applicable), we are able to offer a refund for the full value of the item. Note that if the item shows signs of use or is not returned in its original condition, we reserve the right to adjust the refund amount proportionately or issue the return value as a credit. Unwanted items returned in this way are not eligible for a refund on any return postage costs incurred.
Should an item develop a fault, you should notify us in writing of your intention to return the item to us, and return it within 30 days of the original order date. Should the item be deemed on inspection to be faulty, you will receive a full refund for the value of the item. Note that we are unable to offer a full refund for faulty items returned after the 30-day return window, but may be able to offer a repair or exchange (except where the item is covered by a warranty or guarantee.) A refund may also not be applicable should any misuse or other external factor be suspected in the development of a fault.
Returns may also be made in person by visiting our store, located at:
Oasis Pools and Spas
Baytree Garden Centre
High Road
PE12 6JU
This policy does not affect your statutory rights.